This morning after my 8:00am wake-up call from Myra, I turned on the TV to catch a word from Joel. The title of the message was Enjoying the Journey. Joel's message in a nut shell was to enjoy the simple things in life. Life isn't that long. No man knows the day nor the hour when we are to behold HIM. James 4:14 says, "We are but a mere mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." Enjoy the SIMPLE things in life.
I am a person who is sometimes consumed by assignments, student problems, and work. I am also a person who is extremely family oriented. I love my family with all my heart. Right now all of the cousins are kinda scattered about. It is now a reaffirmed mission of mine to get back together, do things together, and get together to talk about NOTHING!!! We used to have conference calls where we just talk and reconnect.....now we are busy with work and boyfriends. We will reconnect and enjoy the simple things in life again.
Goals and dreams are normal in life but we don't need to be consumed by them. Why?? Once you achieve that big event, all the hoopla is gone...all the celebration is gone....now what? Your family is still going to be there......don't throw them under the bus. Don't become so stressed out where you push them under the bus. Family and friends will always be there. Someone has to support you when you are accomplishing your dreams...who's taking care of your child, who's keeping the pets, who's encouraging your spirit. Someone who loves you!
Don't take for granted what God has given you. SLOW down. You don't need a lot of money to have fun....(we all want $$). There are memories to create, people to love on, and roses to smell. Enjoy life.......sometimes it's not the fact that life is too short, it's the fact that we wait too long to enjoy it. What's the point of being stressed out? Hair falling out, weight loss, no appetite, just plain old miserable! I will not...I refuse to......I claim that I will not let stress consume me. I will enjoy my life, my family, and my friends. That doesn't mean that I won't still go after my goals and dreams but I won't let them take over my life to the point where I have no fun. What about u??
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