Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 10, 2009

God is truly an amazing being in my life! I thank him for having me in the place that I am. I am far from perfect but I am very appreciative of where he has me. I may not be a millionaire, a mom, a wife, or a glamorous superstar, but I am a daughter, granddaughter, sister, cousin, friend and one of my most favorite accomplishments, a TEACHER.

I just wanted to share the word that I got from Joel Osteen today. The title of the message was You are blessed and not cursed. The main idea, DON'T LET YOUR HEREDITY AFFECT YOUR DESTINY. God loves us all and he has provided us with seeds of faith, favor, love, goals, and many many more things. It is up to YOU to tap into to these seeds. So what your family isn't perfect, you have no father, no one loves you,your mom died when you were young, or whatever other excuses you have. You came thru your mom but you came FROM the Almighty Heavenly Father. He has great things in store for you but you have to do your part.

We all go thru hard times and feelings of defeat, sadness, loneliness, depression, and just feeling that life SUCKS. Don't get stuck in this rut. The enemy fights you not for where you are but because he knows exactly what is coming your way. He doesn't want you to be blessed. So what should you do? Waddle in your sorrow or praise him in advance for what's in store. U decide that.

Numbers 22:12 says, "What I have blessed, they cannot curse." No need to explain, I think this is self-explanatory. Stay in faith thru the good times and bad times. It will get hard, stay in faith. It is easier said than done have to keep on keeping on! He has a plan for you but you have to carry it out. He has prepped you, are you ready?? Nothing the enemy says can take God's blessings from you........fight for it, Fight for it, FIGHT for it. He won't leave you or forsake you.

This is a message for me. I am easily intimidated and fearful at times. Today I am empowered and reminded that there are great things in store for me. I'm not going to let parents, enemies, or my past affect my future God is strengthening me, preparing me, and using me. It may take a little longer to become a perfect Christian but, I am changing.

I would love for you to respond, leave feedback, or just share your thoughts. Miss E is sharing is my way of healing and growing. I'm not perfect but I am Erica.