Yesterday's devotional of Our Daily Bread made me realize that I give God the credit, but I don't give him the credit. Sure I praise God in the morning, during the day, and late at night to myself and in the comfort of my own home. The devotional said I should testify to the goodness of God because he is simply good! Growing up, I have always heard that God is good! Indeed he is AWESOME! Within my 28 years of life, I have come to the realization that he is AMAZING!! I mean think about it.........look at all the wonders of the world, look at all the amazing sites, look at the human body and all the intricate details in its function. Truly, God is WONDERMUS!!!!
If you can't seem to look at the details around the world, take a look at your life. I have looked back on my life and I am just so thankful. If I had to post all of the blessings that have been bestowed upon me, you'd be reading for hours. But, all the blessings the past 28 years has shown me that he is Good!!!
I am a person who keeps things to herself. Maybe due to the way that I was brought up or just bc I don't want everybody in my business. Maybe it's pride or just not knowing how to trust people. I look back at my life and I realize that I've been blessed. Blessed with family that maybe dysfunctional, but they are MINE!!! I love them!! There are many things that could have happen to me and my brother but look at us, we are both successful, intelligent, and law-abiding citizens. I thank God for the advice, encouragement, emotional support, and love from the family. It takes a village to raise a child and I am proof of that. There have been so many individuals in my life that I am so appreciative of.
I give God the credit for all of this and many many more! God is good, amazing, wonderful, awesome, and FANTABOLUS!!!!! If you do nothing else today, just give God the credit for your breath, strength, functioning body parts, job, family, friends, hair on your head, wet eyeballs, 2 legs, etc. There are so many things that I am grateful for, what about u?
God is Great and Greatly to be praised!!! I just wanted somebody to know!!